Wednesday, August 11, 2010

multiple post =p

i 've experience this week and i felt it has been a month ...
sigh ~
had u ever tried of having the 1st test in uni and will need to retake those subjects ?

moral and history...
sounds easy rite?
its a NO to me..memorizing is needed to answers the question for these two papper ..
sigh i wished i cound get at least a pass ...=(

i was sick before i went to history test..the nite i ate panadol and it does help least i dint get worst..=p


hmm..these are photos we went out with kevin , shu mei , zai zai and yen-ing .

<3 this so much ,we are not couple though

this was the 1st time i wear colored lenses ... hehe btw i bought the wrong color..the photo seems to be grey.but when i wear it,it looks more to dark blue..i'll buy a new pair soon will be light color..


the triple Y - Yee Yuan Yuan is coming back sp !
haha..she is a good fren to me ..=)
weee..haha..tomorrow will meet her and kevin + zai zai again
do i sound happy?hahaha... no i m not LOL
will have more photos tomorrow


i am too lazy to improve my english .. i cannot speak fluetly infront of my friends...dont know why i feel nervous when i talk to them..
they just blaaa out everything .


sigh i feel tired goin to school everyday..i just dont like to talk in the class..i prefer to keep quiet in a side..just dont know why , i stil prefer to be alone...
they will shoot me if they see this
i really dun like the food in semerling ..sigh ...
mum 's cooking is stil the best !


2007 .. 2010 it was 3years back ... i do look older now..compared to form 5
but i stil look kid now..should build up my body so i wont look like secondary students..haha!! gonna buy protien tomorrow !!


the 1st time i talk to a girl in facebook ..haha
she is kindda cute actually =p
mayb it was normal thing for u guys to talk to girls in facebook .but to me,i dont simply talk to anyone i dont know .

arrgh f***ing air cond suddelny leak ! shyt !! the water is so much and it dropped on my laptop ..dont know what is the condition inside the laptop.. 2 years GLOBAL WARRANTY

dop~ dop ~dop ~stil leaking into the pail ..haih...