Saturday, September 18, 2010

my babe gets hurt =(

this scar was left by someone on 6Th September - the bad day i had .

early morning 9am .when i reach campus , i wanted to park my car and i over i heard a soft ''bang'' sound ..the front bottom bumper had a lil scartch on it.but it was at the bottom ,SO this was taken as a lesson .CAREFUL EVEN U R PARKING !
the next stupid thing was i forget to bring my licence and ic out that day.i finished class at 12pm ,and those boys wanted to go village mall for movie.i decided to go home to get my licence and identity card .I'm still a lil lucky CZ i dint meet any road block when i returned home..I was super duper hungry when i reached home , so milk was taken from the fridge to fill my empty stomach .and wth , the milk fell on the floor ..ends up i need to clean up the mess i made ..i can totally feel that , my luckiness became negative after that.i had to wait for my mum to buy me food cause i m super tired..don't have the energy to stand up ad=( i returned to campus at 2.30pm .. i had class until 7pm and my babe get this scar at 7pm.sigh ya ,u guys will tell me, its only 1 small 4cm length scar....its not a big deal ..or kindda same thing u will tell me. BUT what i need to say is , THE 1st CAR which u BOUGHT YOURSELF ,i think u will have the same feel i got.Just don't say silly things which will only make u looks more dumb ! *just in case u guys think that i m so sensitive .

and this..i don't know when i got was either yesterday ,or today.
someone took the umbrella in my car yesterday .when she went out of my car , might scratch it cz she was a lil clumsy..and my fren told that she leave a scratch on my car ,when she got down from car. I din't check when i reached home cause it was raining after work.
this scar was very long and is about 7cm long...sigh.

SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL whenever u r in someone's car.It might be a little thing for u, but it can be a very serious case for the car owner..not only cars. even u borrow sometimes from your friend , just becareful having it...sometimes money cannot payback or even some actions u wanted to payback will not satisfied the owner.

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